Current state of the P3 Emulator:
- All opcodes implemented (first stage debug achieved)
- KDevelop 3 Build/Development Environment
(automake and friends)
- The Emulator reads command line options, reads
a P3 Program file into memory, executes instructions, syncronizes
time for those instructions, finishes emulation when an infinite jump instruction
is encountered and NCurses display is working.
To see the emulator in action you should make a P3 example program
with moves to the out port, assemble it and run "p3emu -s fastest print.exe",
for example.
To download the sourcecode you will have to use the cvs command and checkout.
P3 Emulator CVS Web Interface
The UML diagrams (in the planning directory) don't have extensions
at the moment (forgot to put them - I don't think I ever will due to the
way cvs works on They were created using Dia for Linux.
The UML diagrams are outdated, I changed the design a bit and added some
functions as I went coding.
The P3 Emulator is an emulator for the P3 processor. The
processor is theoretical and has a simulator. To get the simulator go to
the IST-LEIC Computer Architecture
Course Website (in Portuguese) and enter the "Laboratório"
For more "automatic" information, check out the Project Info
- P3 Emulator page.
Development Information:
- The project code is being developed using KDevelop as a Simple C application;
- The code contains Doxygen
Tags to produce readable API documentation in HTML;
- The OS used for development is Gentoo Linux.
Rui Dias was a major developer for the P3Emu opcodes and some general
debugging. Rui Dias became a p3emu developer in October 2003.
This website will not go beyond this simple page until the project
is in its beta stage. Even so, I think I won't have time for web design.
October 30th 2004, Pedro Palhoto Matos